WHY IS IT SO HARD to develop projects that are innovative and financially sustainable in a streamlined and coordinated way?
Often the answer is that the team developing the project is comprised of different entities that have different priorities and incentives. It is not disparaging to point out that every team member normally judges a project’s success by a different set of criteria, as they well should. The perfect project rarely exists because these criteria are normally in tension with each other and compromises are made. At times this makes the team members opponents rather than collaborators.
To be innovative while working with real world pragmatic constraints, the architects need to think like the financier, the financier needs to think like the engineer, the project manager needs to think like an architect, and so on. A team where all parties understand and respect what the others contribute, where all parties are passionate about helping the others do their very best, is the team we built at THREESCOPE.
We start by working closely with the client to understand its vision, mission and goals. Most projects, large or small, can take one of many forms and after we have developed a mission statement for the project, we present carefully thought out several alternative scenarios to the client for the composition, character and economics of the project. We analyze these alternatives with the client, using quantitative and qualitative judgment criteria. From that we create a detailed outline of the project from an economic, construction and environmental perspective. We create a realistic schedule that involves all aspects of the project and we pull together the team that will make it all happen - from financing to design to construction to leasing and/or sales. We carefully select team members from within our outside the THREESCOPE family to have the right team for the project. Then we manage the team in a way that makes the project’s success each team member’s success.